Sneek Preview – travelSIM for iPhone

If you get a chance, shoot over to and have a sneak preview of our latest iPhone/iPad creation.  travelSIM for iPhone is a simple utility app for calculating call rates for a wide variety of travel SIM cards and phonecards. We’ve had a great response from the travel telecommunications providers and are excited to see if that buzz is mirrored by travel SIM and phonecard users.

In this app we’ve gone for a clean uncluttered user interface in the conventional Apple style.  It was tempting to integrate a whole stack of extended functionality such as rate comparison or location services, but in the end we decided to keep it simple and focused, and leave the power with the user. The app features multi-currency display (exchange rates updated daily), can be used with or without an internet connection, and currently supports around 40 major brands of SIM with more being added soon after launch.

The app will be available in the App Store in the next few weeks so stay tuned for an overview of how it performs.

2 thoughts on “Sneek Preview – travelSIM for iPhone

  1. Hoxxy says:

    Thanks for the great info 🙂

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