Behind the scenes – how to make a multitrack music video

As you may or may not know, I’m a keen a musician and arranger. In my spare time I like to record my brass quintet arrangements and publish regular multitrack videos on my YouTube channel.

With so many musicians and music teachers isolated at home right now, I’ve been getting a heavy stream of questions about how these multitrack videos are made. So I spent some time this weekend making a tutorial.

5 thoughts on “Behind the scenes – how to make a multitrack music video

  1. Chuck Morehouse says:

    I am trying to find out how I can purchase a copy of the brass quintet version of “Chattanooga Choo Choo” P;ease advise.

    1. Maeve says:

      Where I can secure copyright, my arrangements are published on Musescore. You can find them there by searching, or check the link in the YouTube video description.

  2. Janet Young says:

    We have downloaded a number of your excellent arrangements from musescore but they are not all available. Are you likely to publish any of the Xmas ones in the future?

  3. Derek says:

    Have you tried publishing on ArrangeMe? They sort out copyright issues for you … either you can publish a particular title with them or not. When you can it works REALLY well.

    Love your musicianship!

    1. Maeve says:

      Nah – I publish my scores on which feels like a better fit for me for now. It’s been a great place to get exposure, interact and learn from other arrangers, and contribute to the open source Musescore software. I particularly appreciate that my scores can be downloaded from in an open source notation format XML, allowing others to make minor adjustments as needed (eg for their instrumentation). As an end-consumer, I want this flexibility when I buy sheet music. So as a creator, I want to distribute my scores on a platform that passes on those freedoms to others.

      I do note that Hal Leonard (owns ArrangeMe) has recently been acquired by Muse Group (owns – I am interested to see how that partnership unfolds. I rather hope that a few years from now we might see an integration of and ArrangeMe, bringing maturity to’s licensing model, and giving arrangers flexibility to make their scores available for free (to members, per’s current model) or as paid scores (per ArrangeMe’s model). This would bring together the best of both platforms, IMO.

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